Saturday, June 27, 2009

Haters By Maya Angelo

Hater - By Maya Angelou

 A hater is someone who is jealous and envious and spends all their
 time trying to make you look small so they can look tall. 
 They are very negative people to say the least.  Nothing is ever
 good enough! 
 When you make your mark,  you will always attract some haters...
 That's why you have to be careful with whom you share your
 blessings and your dreams, because some folk can't handle seeing 
 you blessed...

 It's dangerous to be like somebody else.... If God wanted you to be
 like somebody else,  He would have given you what He gave them!  Right? 
 You never know what people have gone through to get what they
The problem I have with haters is that they see my glory,  but they
 don't know my story... 
If the grass  looks  greener on the other side of the fence,  you
 can rest assured that the water bill is higher there too! 
We've all got some haters among us!
 Some people envy you because you can: 
      a) Have a relationship with God 
      b) Light up a room when you walk in
      c) Start your own business
      d) Tell a man / woman to hit the curb
       (if he / she isn't about the right thing)
     e) Raise your children without both parents being 
          in the home
 Haters can't stand to see you happy..
 Haters will never want to see you succeed.
Most of our haters are people who are supposed to be
 on our side. 
 How do you handle your undercover haters? 
 You can handle these haters by: 
            1. Knowing who you are & who your true friends are
               *(VERY IMPORTANT!!) 
            2. Having a purpose to your life: Purpose does not
                mean having a job.. You can have a job and still be
A purpose is having a clear sense of what God has called you to be. 
 Your purpose is not defined by what others think about you. 
            3. By remembering what you have is by divine
                  prerogative and not human manipulation. 
 Fulfill your dreams!  You only have one life to live...when its your
 time to leave this earth, you 'want' to be able to say, 'I've lived my 
 life and fulfilled 'my' dreams,... Now I'm ready to go HOME! 
 When God gives you favor, you can tell your haters, 'Don't look at me.....Look at Who is in charge of me....' 
 Pass this to all of your family & friends who you know are not hating on you including the person who sent it to you.  
If you don't get it back, maybe you called somebody out! 
Don't worry about it, it's not your problem, it's theirs..  
 Just pray for them, that their life can be as fulfilled as
 yours! Watch out for Haters...BUT most of all don't become
 a HATER! 
'A woman's heart should be so hidden in Christ that a man should have to seek Him first to find her.'

                     Maya Angelou     

Saturday, June 20, 2009


Be Motivated in life. Be Motivated to be great in life. To be motivated means nothing will stop you from reaching your goals and aspirations. Too often we are side tracked by the people (friends and family) we have surrounded ourselves with. It could be as simple as a friend eating up all your time to listen to their problems, or a stressful relationship that has you feeling stuck and only focused on the things that do not make you happy or feel good. It could be the lack of organization, a disrespect for TIME, or even the good ole "I just don't know what to do to be happy".

Well I will tell you that without motivation absolutely nothing will get accomplished. So look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself... self, "I am worth the investment in myself". Make a things to do list and start completing the necessary task to achieve your goals. Pep talk yourself as much as needed. Seek advice from people who are doing what you would like to be doing. It is never to late to find yourself and live out your dreams. Pray to God for FOCUS & DISCIPLINE.

I have never met a person IN ALL MY 40 YEARS who did not have the potential to be The Greatest of All Time...NEVER. 

So go for it. You have the God given right to conquer the pursuit of happiness.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Finding a man is like....

Yes, we all have learned some rather interesting things from our males counters parts. For instance the few funny things I've learned are the similarities in shoes and men :-)... You know I always have a joke with a lot of truth in the mix, so I wrote a poem about it and here it goes.

Finding a man is like buying a pair of shoes,

You have so many choices, you don't know what to choose.

You got black ones, white ones and all colors in between,

You got sweet ones, cheap ones and some of them really mean.

You got old styles, new styles, but some styles never change.

You got ugly one and pretty ones and you got some that's rather strange.

You got some that fit too big and some that fit to tight,

and sometimes if you're lucky you find those that fit just right.

I have a lot of shoes but I'm still looking for the all occassion perfect shoe for me.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

What I've Learned From My Husband About Men

I've learned all the tricks to the trade as far as men goes from my Husband. And must be aware of how this socializing and relationship works in the mind of a man. And trust me, most of our perceptions are the exact opposite of what we think we know.

I suggest reading a book by Steve Harvey called, "Act like A Lady...Think Like A Man". This book totally breaks the code of silence and gets right to the bottom of how men view, pursue, and approach women & relationships. Its not only a MUST HAVE, but KEEP IT IN YOUR PURSE!!!!


Men are not complex beings like ourselves. Whatever vibe you get from them is EXACTLY WHAT IT IS. I feel us women sometimes think we can teach them what we feel they do not know. But the truth is consideration and respect are in your DNA not taught. This why we can feel that after a talk or argument, the man in your life will change. And there we are so proud and happy that he FINALLY GOT IT. Then just as you settle in and move forward with the relationship a little while later they will be right back at BULLSHIT SQUARE ONE. The reason is we can not teach or change a man unless he wants to be changed and taught. Now the first step in change for a person is that person has to admit that their ways are wrong and the acknowledge  the need for help. Well all I have to say is GOOD LUCK WITH THAT. In my experiences men and their egos think they are perfect and right and the other person is the problem. Now there are always exceptions, but for the most part they will tell you that it is you and that the problem you have with them or their behavior is simply their reaction to your imperfections. Think About It.

If you havent seen the movie "He's Just Not That Into You". See It Right Away. It is a must!!!

Raising The New Kids On The Block

As a mom you have to raise your kids for their future life. Work hard now and you can play later is what my husband says to my kids at least once a day. And this is very true. 

Kids nowadays have to have a computer, must learn at least Spanish, and be up to their neck in character sculpting activities, wether it be sports, music instruments, art, dance, or whatever. Start as early as possible in identifying their natural talents and abilities and start building on them immediately.

For moms who are raising your children in the urban part of town. I have found that keeping the kids busy as possible with extra curricular activities keeps them occupied and focused on themselves and their achievements. This way they are not sensationalized or influenced by the local gang members, law violaters, and drug dealers in the neighborhood. Please remember especially for little boys that these figures can seem like they have it all (BIGGER THAN LIFE)...Respect, Power, Money, Celebrity Status, and Material Things. They do not think about the fact that this person has to elude death, jail, imprisonment, etc.  EVERY HOUR OF EVERYDAY. They get completely blinded by the bling and pimped out cars. So keep working to find their nitch in life and assist them in developing them.

The Real Easy Life Diet No Guide No Rules

I have tried hundreds of diets and watched my mom try even more than that. I find that with a moderate activity or work out plan that you actually feel good about is the first step. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO BE HEALTHY WITHOUT SOME FORM OF EXERCISE. NEXT STOP eating what your common sense and current knowledge has informed you that is not good for you. No need to follow any plan or guide or counting calories. Not saying those things do not work. But for most people who are not as disciplined and live hectic lives...this will never work. Because you know you are not going to do it and stick with it. SO JUST SIMPLY STOP EATING WHAT YOU YOU SHOULD NOT EAT. For instance I was addicted to Coca Cola...I just quit buying it and replaced it with ice cold water bottles. Do not eat junk or fast food. Learn to enjoy creating your favorite dishes at home were you control the ingredients and the quality if the ingredients. NOW FROM TIME TO TIME I KNOW US WOMEN HAVE TO HAVE OUR SINFUL PLEASURES!! And that is okay, Just do it in moderation. Eat an ice cream cone opposed to a bowl of ice cream. Have a sliver of pie or cake opposed to a hefty slice. If you have fried food planned for dinner do not couple it with a starch but instead 2 vegetable choices. And so on. No Guide necessary, JUST THINK BEFORE YOU EAT.

Women Paying It Forward To Women

In today's world I'm feeling like more women should come together and share resources, information, advice, etc. in order to support one another endeavors.  Women are to powerful to be idle. We are the most emotionally connect beings God created. So maybe its up to us to show the world and the men and children in it what God expects of our behavior, unconditional love, humility, respect and most of all CHARITY. 

Lets start with this...If you know a man is married, in a long time relationship, or exclusive with a woman in anyway... BACK OFF. Have some respect and empathy for the woman on the other end of the situation, it could be you at any given moment.

Also lets just be kind to each other when paths cross. We all have the same struggles from just being women no matter what your race. Be inspired to have positive dialogue with other women. You may say that 1 thing that could inspire another woman.

If we let men see our standards being raised they will have no choice but to work hard to live up to them. But the key is you have to really raise your standards and do not be scared to turn men down. Leave space for the right man, and not crowd your space with worthless commitments to men who do not perfectly fit into your life.